a person looking at an ipad screen

Your Unique Hybrid Solution

Build your own solution

We offer fleet management solutions for organisations of all shapes and sizes. With the goal of driving efficiencies to save you time and money, we’ll work with you to identify the components of fleet management which our team can manage for you, and those that are best serviced by empowering you with our clever software.  

Whether a service is outsourced to us or managed in-house using our proprietary software, financed or owned, you will always have access to our powerful real-time reporting and analytics tools.  

Customise your service

Read more about how we can optimise your fleet to suit your business.

two circle combining to show the synergy between managed services, hybrid solutions and in house software

The Smartfleet Approach

Every business is different. One-size-fits-all solutions don’t work. 

With Smartfleet, you can choose any combination of our outsourced managed services and powerful in-house software modules to create your own hybrid solution.

Contact us to discuss your unique hybrid solution